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Python openpyxl – Single accounting underline cells

In this post we will be creating a Python script that will apply a single accounting underline to a cell within an existing Excel spreadsheet using the openpyxl library. Openpyxl is a library that allows us to interact with Excel files in Python. It provides a range of tools for reading, writing, manipulating, and formatting Excel data. This makes it a useful tool for data analysis and reporting tasks.

See the sample of Python code below where we use the openpyxl library to apply a single accounting underline to cells within an already existing Excel spreadsheet. We start by loading our existing Excel file called example.xlsx and assign it to a variable named workbook. Next we retrieve the active worksheet from the workbook. We then select cell A1 of the worksheet and assign it to the variable cell. Now we create a Font object with the underline property set to Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING. This is then assigned to the font property of our cell. Finally the changes made to the Excel file are saved using the save() method.

import openpyxl
from openpyxl.styles import Font

workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')

worksheet =

cell = worksheet['A1']
cell.font = Font(underline=Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING)'example.xlsx')

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